Before I talk about Ground Zero

Let me tell you about the subway system.

We would walk just up the street from Kathy’s apartment to the entrance. You have to have metro passes to get through the gates to the trains. It was so hot when we were there and the only good thing being in the subway when it’s hot is that you’re out of the sun. It is hot down there as well and very humid. The trains though are air-conditioned thank God!

There’s a big difference between Brooklyn and the city as far as the subway goes. It’s not as clean in Brooklyn right now. Some of the tiles along the walls are chipped and cracked and dirty. Once you get into the city though it’s like a whole other world under there. Once in the city there are shops and restaurants and it’s all spit polished and very clean. Bill said they are in the process of renovating it all under there so it’s just a matter of time before it will all be as nice as it is in Manhattan.

I don't know how many times I've heard over the years that New Yorkers are rude and unfriendly. Well, I'm here to tell you that that isn't true.  Some of my fellow subway travelers offered me their seats more then once.  I'm sure I was red from the heat and of course I walk with a limp so no doubt they thought I needed to sit more then they did and I appreciated it. 

People do find a way to pass the time in their travels though. I saw many with Ipads, and kindles. Some brought their knitting along. Teens and kids had their Ipods and mp3 players. I saw a few Rabbi's reading their bibles, mom's and dad's with their babies and of course some working on their laptops. Me, I'm a people watcher so I would sit and watch them. 

You have to be fast getting on and off the trains as they don't wait for anyone. If there are a lot of people trying to get on the same car it can get pretty tricky. Kathy told me though that I was as good as a New Yorker and got through the crowd like I did it for years  though lol. It's hot under the subway too and humid. At least the trains are air-conditioned though. Thank God for that because it was so very hot there, and of course there's no air flow under there. They do have benches for you to sit and wait for the trains though. Not many but there are some. Just talking about it makes me want to go back. Heat and all lol.

No doubt you've heard about people singing and playing music in the subways hoping to make a little extra money. It is true. Even though I didn't see anyone on the platforms panhandling there was twice that I did on the train itself. They walk from car to car holding out their hats or cups hoping for a donation. No, I didn't donate and in fact, I didn't see anyone else donate either. 

I'll leave you with a short video of one of our entertainers. Tomorrow for sure I will tell you about Ground Zero. 



  2. This is all very interesting!! The slide photos and the video are great!!

  3. I loved was very interesting having never been there. I am interested in your thoughts about that whole thing being flooded out and them closing it for this storm. Can you imagine it at all?? Keep up the reporting on your trip I love it!! :-)

  4. When it comes to cities, they all have their good points and their bad points. Visiting New York for the first time is an interesting experience. Is this your first trip to NY?
    I am really enjoying your photos... so looking forward to your post about Ground Zero, really interested in your opinions/views.

  5. No wonder they say there are people in NYC who went into the subway and have never found their way out! What a nightmare. At least that is how I felt on my first subway experience on my first trip to NY. It didn't take long to figure the maps out, after I stopped shaking. Bwahahaha! I mean seriously, the subway is the way to go, because driving is nearly impossible, cabs are expensive, and walking gets old after a certain number of blocks.


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