Spring is in the air

Finally!  I have decided not to ever complain about “IT” (snow) anymore after hearing and seeing the devastation and loss of life from those tornado’s a couple of weeks ago.  I meant it to be a joke by calling the snow “IT” but after that it just didn’t seem so funny anymore.

I’ve been getting up at 3:30 in the morning to go up to my daughters to get the kids up and off to school.  She was bringing them here but I think it’s too hard on the kids and to disrupt their sleep like that isn’t good either. I will say, they’ve been easier to wake up at 6:00 then it was when they came here.  Brody is so cute when he wakes up and sees me.  He says, “There’s my Mama” and comes and crawls up on my lap. Love that!

Look what I got from Seth.

magazine photo

Isn’t he silly? Thanks Seth! I LOVE it. Just wish it were true.  Can you imagine yourself being on the cover of a magazine?  My cousin’s daughter who use to be a model was on the cover several times but she gave up all that glamour and the runway and the world travel to raise and race dogs in Alaska. How cool is that!

I’m sure Terry’s told you about Jimmy passing away and we are all sad and heartbroken and will miss him terribly.  His funeral is tomorrow and I’m dreading it. I’m sure there will be tons of people there but it will be so hard on Micki and the kids and grandchildren.  The grandkids are taking it really hard as is Mick but her kids are trying to stay strong for them.  He was only 58 and fought so hard and so long and there were several times we thought he was going to beat it.  He’s with God now watching over all of us and is no longer suffering or in pain and we are grateful for that!

Well it’s absolutely gorgeous out and I’m going out to enjoy it. I hope it’s gorgeous where you are. Have a great day and go out and do something fun!


  1. I think Seth is a sweetie. He is such a kind caring person.

    I am so sorry about Jimmy. My thoughts will be with you all tomorrow.

  2. Yes, Terry did tell us about Jimmy and I am so sorry, dear Sherry. That was so young to go and I know the family are all devastated. I will be thinking of all of you tomorrow. xox

    I haven't seen Seth in a long time. Miss him greatly.

  3. Love the magazine cover...no, I can't imagine myself on one either. I don't know how you do it getting up that early. Mornings and I have never gotten along that well. I pray that you know supernatural strength through funeral my friend, know my prayers will surely be with you.

  4. Hey Sis.. sending my prayers to you all on the loss of Jimmy. So young is just terrible to deal with. Hugs to you all.. PS.. I think I will start calling TORNADOES "IT"!!

  5. Mother Nature can be so cruel and heartless at times.. and she cannot be tamed, only dodged by the lucky few. We have snow storms and ice storms... tornadoes... hurricanes...floods, etc. My heart goes out to all who suffer losses from these devasting punches that Mother Nature tends to throw us.
    ..... have I told you lately that I think you are an awesome Mama!!?? I think you are.

  6. Glad you liked the graphic! Bwahahaha!

  7. † I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of Jimmy. The saying, 'All good things must come to an end' just doesn't seem to be a fair rule!!! I like to believe that when we lose someone close to us they still live through us and give us strength. Bless you all.


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